24 April, 2009

Internet Speed in Japan

Broadband/Cable internet is widespread across most of the UK and America, but it's nothing when compared to Japan.

The take-up for high-speed internet was much faster when introduced and as such Japan is now leagues ahead of most countries for the their internet capabilities.
In a recent survey of internet speeds Japan came top in the world, with the USA at 17th!

The average download speed of internet in Japan is so much higher, you can download large files at a much faster rate. Want to download a 700mb movie from the web? Come back in 20 minutes!
Geeky sidenote: The "upload" speed is also amazingly fast, meaning you can send huge files to other people over the net far quicker than you ever could back home.

Another advantage is that Japanese internet providers rarely put a cap on how much you can download in a month, something that plagues many UK/USA internet users who get charged if they go over a certain amount.

For foreigners living in Japan, having fast reliable internet is a lifeline in keeping in touch with family and friends, using internet phone software like Skype works like a charm despite the huge distance between Japan and countries like the UK/USA.

Final Word:
Internet speeds will make your life much easier during your stay in Japan. Keeping up to date with your loved ones, downloading TV shows you miss and all the rest will be so fast you wont mind paying the 5,000Yen (£35/$50 max) or so a month for it.

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